Saturday, November 14, 2009

I started this blog out of a God dream I had, it was about encouraging all the intercessors/prayer people in their communities to begin or continue declaring God's favor, goodness, kindness and prosperity into every situation that is around them. God said to me "Sandra I want you to encourage them to DIG in. I want them to be Declaring Intercessors of God (D.I.G.). When Graham Cooke was last at our church, he brought forth a very powerful word from God and it spoke about this time being a time of favor and to be overwhelming situations with declaring the favor of God instead of focusing on the enemy. There has been a group of us that have been declaring things over homes, business and situations and it works. God's word does not come back void! Thats all for my first post, I will be back soon.

Glad you stopped by, have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Sistah!! I love it and look forward to more! MORE!
