Monday, November 23, 2009

What a weekend!!!

Wow!!! What a weekend that was! How much fun to watch 170 plus youth, young adults and youth pastors passionately worship Jesus. We had a band called Revolution Band that came and lead worship on Friday night and Saturday morning. They were amazing and played exactly what the youth loved to hear, music rocked and loud!! I have heard testimonies about this Consumed Conference from one person that said, that was not what she expected at was SO much better. She saw people were healed, people saved and new friends were made. Another girl gave testimony that Justin Rymer, one of the speakers over the weekend, spoke into her life so much and has never felt such peace about her health issues. Others had God give them direction, encouragement and brought forth dreams and desires that have died and brought forth life again and strength to try again and not give up on the dreams that God had put in them. I loved being there and watching such passionate people that love Jesus. I know that these ones are going to change this world for the better.

I want to thank the church body for spending so much time in prayer regarding this conference! It is prayer that moves the hand of God and it was so great to be apart of such a large group that prayed for this next generation of youth to go forward in all God has for them.

Thanks to our whole church leadership that believes so much in the youth and the call on their lives!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for being there and praying yourself sandra! i know for me a huge part of it was looking up to the balcony and seeing all the passionate people up there thank you to all who prayed!
